Greetings from ICC Reference Library / ســــلامٌ عليـــــكم
This OPAC: is an acronym of the library's Online Public Access Catalogue that provides access to the collections.
You have 2 options to search the catalogue, either through the basic search page, as above, or the advanced search tab.
You can search by title or author; or you can also make use of specific keywords/subject headings.
Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday from 10:00 to 17:00.
The Library is closed on the weekends and Public Holidays.
For any enquiries, please send your email to: [email protected]
Twitter account: @libraryIcc or Twitter
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to search for materials on the Arabic discovery catalog. The Arabic Discovery Catalog is one of the most comprehensive bibliographic databases of Arabic culture. It currently holds more than 5.7 million holdings and more than 700.000 records containing Arabic script and continues to grow. The search box supports searches in Arabic script and delivers precise search results in an Arabic interface.
البحث في المسبار العربي